Timber Fencing vs PVC Fencing

Why is PVC so popular amongst customers these days?

Wondering how this fencing types became so popular? In this post we will run through some of the benefits of vinyl fencing.

Low Maintenance

Give it a spray down with a hose every few weeks or so and it will look as good as new. You can basically set and forget this easy going fencing option.

Vinyl fencing are UV resistant and will keep their colour which is beneficial when living in a sunny climate. They are also resistant to warping, rotting eroding….

At Bearsden Landscaping Decking and Fencing, we use only the most premium vinyl fences which means depend on the supplier the warranty can give you anywhere up to 50 years of lifespan.

Cost Effective 

Is PVC/ vinyl fencing cost effective? Absolutely.

You will save maintenance money when opting for this type of fencing, even though there is a larger outlay to begin with on the material itself.

PVC fences are easy to install. This means you can have a fast installation that saves on the cost of labour.

Stylish Solution 

Get all the charm and look of a wooden picket fence without any of the maintenance.

PVC vinyl fences come in a wide range of styles, colours, shapes, and sizes, including some that look like a timber picket fence. Choose a unique style and look that suits you.

Pest Free 

Not only are they resistant to rot and corrosion – PVC fences are also resistant to termites. No need to worry about nasty bugs!

Strong Material 

Did you know that vinyl is approximately 5 times stronger that wood? Wow. 

Your PVC vinyl fence will be built to withstand the type of weather only Australian homes are hit with. 

Our fencing specialists are experts in fitting and repairing fences so you can be confident when hiring us for the job!

Are PVC fences worth the investment?

We, you get the benefits of one of the most durable types of fencing, with no maintenance, fast instillation with either a classic timber or more modern composite look that has up to a 50-year warranty, so yes, we think PVC vinyl fences are well worth it!

The best way to make sure you get the most out of your PVC vinyl fence is to work with professional contractors. 

We hope we have explained some of the benefits of PVC fencing against timber fencing!

For all your PVC fencing needs, give Edinburgh Fencing a call to arrange a free quote.

Knowing Which Fence Company Will Suit Your Budget

It is really annoying that you will have some problems with your fence and you need to do your very best to ensure that you are going to be the best person to think about it and you need to fix this one as soon as possible in order for you to lessen your expenses when it comes to the plan that you are going to replace this one with a new one. You know that fencing company Geelong could be an ideal answer here but you need to keep in mind that you will be having a hard time to trust the materials and the fence company if they are going to give you the hundred percent assurance that everything will be perfectly fine and you don’t have to worry about the other stuff after they have given their service to you and to your place.  

You need to keep in your mind the importance of making sure that the fence is in a good condition and this is not only applicable to you but to all the people who have a property or a business company that you need to protect or to know the boundary and the limits. It is a good idea that you need to choose a person or a company that can help you with all these matters and they know what they are doing as you don’t want to put things in a very difficult situation. There are many things that you can consider here and some of them are coming from you and some would be from your contractors as they have the best knowledge when it comes to the materials and the right one to choose for your location as they need to assess the weather condition and the different factors that may arise there.  

One of the rules that you need to keep within your hand is the budget that you can use and ready to spend only as you don’t want to waste your money for something that is not truly worthy and make sure that you are going to do things that will help you to materialize the problem and the things here. You need to think critically outside the box especially if you know that you need to spend more for the entire place or area and there is also a big possibility that the materials may change their price from time to time.  

If you need to think more with the guidance of your contractor, then that would be very fine and they can help you when it comes to knowing the perfect kind of fence that will suit your place. Don’t settle for something that you know is not going to be stable in the future and there will be lots of maintenance to do as it will give you so much problem from the day that you have installed it to the time that you need to repair it. You can search something very helpful on the internet.